This novel has had such an impact on how I see the world. I remember hearing about the novel and the concept of, "Big Brother" and thought that "BB" was the point of the novel. However, if you read the novel and thought "BB" was the point of the novel, you have a lot to learn. Many of the concepts that Orwell discusses within the novel, and the novel within the novel, I noticed as well. What could be a better discussion point than this novel. So much to discuss!
I remember having to read this book for a history class in college. I went in with low expectation not really knowing much about the naturalist style of writing. Far superior to a book that was written 40-years-later called The Jungle by Upton Sinclair that many have compared this novel to. I found Sinclair's novel nothing more than Marxist propaganda, but Germinal is certainly not that at all. Truly a great book!
A Clockwork Orange
The 1962 classic by Anthony Burgess. A great movie, but an even greater book that the movie misses out on a key point. Once cannot dismiss the portrayal of our humble narrator, Alex Delarge than that from Malcolm McDowell. He really brings to life the cockney/Slavic dialect of his time. The book has a lot of relevance even within our time more than most people would ever know. Though, the movie has a few dated references to the time period of 1971 as far as technology goes, it is definitely worth watching and certainly worth reading.
Thérèse Raquin
Another book for Zola. This one is nothing like Germinal, but a fun read nevertheless! A thriller worthy of an episode of the Twilight Zone, it is worthy of your attention.
Brave New World
Not quite 1984, though it pre-dates it by 16 years, it is similar yet very different. Well worth the time and effort to read.
Why Literature?
Why not? Aside from oral history, literature has the great potential to reach many. We at the Cultural Voice strongly believe in it. Too bad the masses while technically literate in the sense that they can read a road sign are generally not using that ability to better themselves nor society. However, we also feel that you can make a difference. Share fine literature. Enjoy it and get away from the idiot box for a while.

Next Steps...
Never forget the importance of quality literature. It really can change your life for the better!